Dr. Pengyang Wang | 汪澎洋

Assistant Professor

State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City

Department of Computer and Information Science

Faculty of Science and Technology

University of Macau

Office: Room 5011h, N21, University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau SAR, China

Tel: +853-8822-9194

Email: pywang[AT]um[DOT]edu[DOT]mo

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Short Bio

Dr. Pengyang Wang is currently an assistant professor at the University of Macau. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida in 2021, the M.S. degree in Information Security from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2017, and the B.S. degree in Information Security from Xidian University in 2014. His research interests include data mining and machine learning. He has research experience in industry research labs, such as Yahoo! Research, NEC Labs, and Huawei Big Data Lab. He has published in refereed journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE TKDE, ACM TIST, ACM SIGKDD, AAAI, IJCAI and WWW.

Research Interests

Dr. Pengyang Wang has broad interests in data mining and machine learning, especially in geospatial-temporal data modeling. Geospatial-temporal data is the indicator of Internet-of-Things (IoT), which reveals complex patterns underneath the human-environment system. The research objective is to understand the heterogeneity and dynamics of the system, and further provide optimal decision support for boosting commercial activities, enhancing public security, fostering social interaction, and thus yielding livable, sustainable, and viable environments. His research is motivated by real-world applications, such as business, transportation, energy, critical infrastructure defense, etc. 

We have multiple positions for self-motivated PhD students, Postdocs and RAs. Visiting students are also welcome. For details, please check here .

We will organize the International Data-Centric AI (DCAI) Workshop with CIKM 2024 in Boise, Ohio. Please consider submitting papers to our workshop. For details, please check the workshop website.
